Student Resources

Student Online Safety

We all know that it is important to keep students safe while in the school, but it is just as important to keep them safe while they work online. Below is a list of my rules to follow to help keep everyone safe.

  • DO NOT share usernames or passwords with anyone
  • Do not give out personal information online
    • Home address
    • Personal phone number
    • Credit card 
  • Do not communicate via Snapchat and other social media platforms with people you do not know
  • Report any inappropriate behavior to an adult shares their 3 Smart Strategies for Keeping  Students Safe Online

1. Open lines of communication

2. Emphasize online privacy

3. How to recognize cyber attacks


It is important to have a clear set of "Classroom Technology Rules" to help insure that everyone is on the same page, and to keep everyone safe.

These are the Rules we will use in my classroom, adopted from Educator Pages.

Classroom Technology Rules

Classroom Technology Rules. (n.d.). Retrieved May 30, 2022, from


Acceptable Technology Use Policy 

Here is the policy that will be used in my classroom. It needs to be printed, signed by the student and guardian, and then returned.